happy new year 2009
welcome the final SEM in KMB~
spend this sem wisely with people around you =)
JOM sama-sama ke UK! =)
may 2009 will be a better year for all of us~
ganbatte kudasai!!!
there is nothing that can describe who we are.
Okay guys, I want to share my knowledge about how to memorise the Market Failure graphs easily... For me myself, I have a hard time everytime it comes to revise this part. Shading the correct area is just so confusing!!!. Anyway, I've figure out something very useful and I hope it might be useful to all of you as well!!! Its suppose to be shared before the examination, I know. But I managed to share it with eddy only because later, when I went to taf's room , he's asleep, Amir's room as well, Redz & Ammar's room, and other classmates in block c & a =P, most of u guys were already asleep... so its Eddy only.... =P Anyway, we still have our final right?!~ okay here it goes... To make this thing easier to comprehend, I'll be explaining it using our mother tongue yeah!
The tutorial starts now...
1) Mula mula, yang sama antara keempat-empat graf adalah Graf Supply and demand diorang.
Iaitu pada bahagian Supply curve ia adalah MSC (Marginal Social Cost) dan Demand curve adalah MSB(Marginal Social Benefit).
Maka, kita lukiskan rajah supply dan demand sebagai asas seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah dibawah.(Sila right klik dan tekan 'open link in new tab' atau 'open link in new window' untuk paparan rajah 'step 1' berikut).
Tahniah kepada yang telah berjaya melukis graf keempat-empat ini dengan betul kedudukan setiap curve...
3) Baiklah, masalah seterusnya adalah melorek bahagian yang betul. Mengapa ini penting? Kerana ada kebarangkalian kalian semua pening memikirkan lorekan yang betul seperti yang ditunjukkan di bawah.(Sila right klik dan tekan 'open link in new tab' atau 'open link in new window' untuk paparan rajah 'step 3' berikut).
Adakah bahagian warna merah atau kuning yang betul? Inilah masalah yang selalu timbul dikala kekabutan menjawab soalan peperiksaan yang banyak, HL mahupun SL...
4) Jangan gusar, tips seterusnya adalah, lihat paparan rajah 4 pula... .(Sila right klik dan tekan 'open link in new tab' atau 'open link in new window' untuk paparan rajah 'step 4' berikut).
Maka dengan panduan prinsip matematik yang kita semua sedia ketahui, lorekan yang tepat untuk negative externalities (consumption/production) adalah yang mempunyai bentuk [ < ], dan untuk positive externalities(consumption/production) adalah yang mempunyai bentuk [ > ].
Akhir sekali , rajah yang tepat adalah.(Sila right klik dan tekan 'open link in new tab' atau 'open link in new window' untuk paparan rajah 'step 5' berikut).
These are the 5 easy steps which will ensure you did not make any mistakes !!! and certainly brush off any stir in your minds....
Hope all of you are well-informed about this tips, and please, please,please share it with your SL friends as well okay! =) Hope our class will continue being the best in Economics! Don’t forget your Econs note alright!~
Should you have any questions, or maybe can't understand the steps, those who are interested, do ask me once we get back to college on the 6th of January 2009 okay!~
Till then, Happy Holidays~
Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal!!!~
send me Badai Semalam notes.. by 20 DEC 2008
(to those who made the deadline: terima kasih byk2. for the rest, i don't have anything to say to u. ucgadfaic)
to my email please :
alisya989[at]yahoo[dot]com or any of my other emails..
tolong tambah apa yg perlu:
1. Sinopsis
2. Persoalan
3. Watak Perwatakan
4. Perkara2 menarik
*word or power point.. mana2 pun bole.
klu dah lupe bab mane:
1. Aki
2. Ale
3. Ali
4. Amin
5. Ammar
6. Andi
7. Ayu
8. Cheq
9. Din
10. Ed
11. Edi *watak p'watakn
12. Faris
13. Hafiz *25dec deadline sbb xdpt on9
14. Hana
15. Jan
16. Jang
17. Raje
18. Safwan
19. Taf
20. Wandog
21. WZ
22. WZ
23. Wandog
kerjasama korg amat dihargai. tq.
*green is done. Thanks :D
Business Case Study 2009: Les Maisonnettes
Well, ak just call pn Ayuslina to get further information regarding the courses that we can choose. She said Mara has no problem with 4 years course only just it won't permit one year off during learning to take up a job. She said we must finish our degree first than only we are liable to occupy any job. Itu pn, we have to negotiate with MARA and then MARA may give us 1-2 years of further stay at UK for us to gain some experience. The reason for this because it's unfair (she said) for us to receive the allowance while getting some neat salary.
So, It's okay for u guyz to take 4 years course but make sure the industrial training (or practical ke ape ke) only happen after u finish ur degree.
As far as I know, Kent 4 years programme is kinda flexible. We can opt 4 the (2 years study 1 year off then another 1 year study) or the (3 years study then 1 year on the industry)
well... u know i talked to pn sharifah b4 the holidays.. and the reason she said we can't was:
1. last year, ade senior(petronas engine) mintak utk apply ind traing and sponsor xbg.. tp dia xde la crite bdak actuary/mara.. tp that is the reason die ckp xle.
2. another reason she gave me was.. our contract with mara is 3 years study abroad.. [but, with ind training, we actually should be able to support ourselves during the ind training and hold the sponsorship for 1 yr as we do get the normal pay for it.. so, the prob is i'm not sure if mara allowed this. That's y I asked some1 to ask mara on this issue.. so, i don't know if hana asked this question to mara or not] and 1 more thing. sape2 yg ade contract mara yg ktorg sign tu.. check the contract to see klu mmg 3 yrs ke.. sbb aq xingt langsung benda tu.. haha
well.. the best way to go is apply all your choices as 3 yrs. But, if u want a 4yrs.. only make it as 1 of your choices. this way at least u have 4 relevant choices - that would be smart. as long as you don't do something crazy like applying all of it to 4years.. it should be fine.
It would be great if someone contacted pn sharifah. or have a nice talk with mara. lol. I would suggest someone who have a charismatic parent to talk them into allowing us. ahahah :D
Here's the link for business worksheet and UCAS guide.. Don't hesitate to report if
the link is broken..
Business Worksheet
UCAS guide
p/s : link no longer available due to time limit.. ask others who has dload it already
well here is the latest news...
i text pn. Ayuslina just now (she is the person who 'take care' of KMB's students) and i asked her about the university that we can apply and about the 4 years and she replied
"refer to puan sharifah"
and Alisya have met her before holiday (or before exam i think) and according to her, we are NOT ALLOWED to apply for 4 years.
so, here is the list of universities that we can apply (which offer 3 years degree)
Teka-teki utk sume org........
[Price sponsored by... UPAX]
Tpt pertama : percutian 1SEM di D101
Tpt ke-2 : percutian 1bulan di B126
Tpt ke-3 : percutian 3hari 2mlm di zooooooooohierhaha.. hati2 teka, kang dpt hadiah yg salah xD
Well, tomorrow is the bestie day.. EXAM SEM 3..
lookin on the bright side (sori cilok ayat ko raje) cti lagi 2 weeks je kan.. so chill up
everybody.. aja2 fightin!
to all A07B members...
welcome back in few hours.yes.i know everyone is not in a good mood.kmb isn't heaven for us to enjoy life.certainly nottt.so bear that in yoursellf.its totally not weird to hate kmb.haaa.but it doesnt mean that we should be lame and bodoh sombong continue cursing the kmb.kmb is just a building[which its fault jugak la sbb situated kat ntah mane ceruk dunie ni].kite kan pencorak mase depan.corak lah baek2 kehidupan kite di sana.x)
now everybody..
buckled up!ready to get into a bullet train and fly fast for success.to there's no time for sleepy face and terhoyong-hayang body going to class.get fit with new spirit.even cuti x cukup tp xpe lah redha je lahhh.
this is kinda works list.
-ia econs-
-ee babe-
-ia bisnes-
-tok essay-
-tok group presentation-
n ag ntah ape2 ag yg c nenek kerepot ib yg keji ni nak dr kite.i x igt.wat je lah muke seposen layankan sume.
guys.pack ur belongings and bersedialahh.hari yang dibenci sudah tiba.haha.
lets meet up and jgn masham2.tong recycle pon xnak muke masham tu nanty.xD
go go a07b.kite hebat.i know.prove that to all.x)
-sye lahhh gadis melayu terakhir-
haha xD
Happy Eid ul-Fitr
For A07Brians behalf, we want to say sorry for every our wrong doings. To teachers, families, friends and whoever knows us.(like we are already at the overseas. Haha..)Chill!
Bila hati jadi kosong
Mulut pun terdiam
Hanya suara boleh dicuba
..Cubaan suara!!
"celamat ali laya, kawan-kawan!!" heeee =)
Well, I must say, sometimes we would learn to appreciate something/someone after it has gone. Human nature , I know. Face the music. People go, but the friendship stays. All the best to you, may God bless you always :)
tak sabar nak tengok kau botak!
So guys , every time you're on a flight, BEWARE! Captain Zuhier Hassan might be the one :D
We had a talk yesterday, about investment through Islamic way. The talk was so beneficial for us actually. The certificate can be used for our personal statement as well.
We even dreamed of investing, having a lot of money. ka ching..ka ching$$
Now, some of us already have trading account.
Good luck in making money, you guys.
Let us be a good muslim or muslimah during this holy month.
Do not fall asleep in class. Hehe…
Work harder, work better okay?
Go A07B, we are proud to be Malaysian.
We know that we can do better in our study to lead our nation. We are the next leaders.
Doesn't matter who we are now but who we are in the future?
the highlight for today is :
Essay Topic 1:
"Science is built of facts the way a house is built of bricks: but an accumulation of facts is no more science than a pile of bricks is a house" (Henri Poincaré). Discuss in relation to science and at least one other area of knowledge.
Essay Topic 2:
When should we trust our senses to give us truth?
Essay Topic 3:
Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of reason as a way of knowing.
Essay Topic 4:
"Seek simplicity, and distrust it" (Alfred North Whitehead). Is this always good advice for a knower?
Essay Topic 5:
"In expanding the field of knowledge we but increase the horizon of ignorance" (Henry Miller). Is this true?
Essay Topic 6:
Compare and contrast our approach to knowledge about the past with our approach to knowledge about the future.
Essay Topic 7:
"Moral wisdom seems to be as little connected to knowledge of ethical theory as playing good tennis is to knowledge of physics" (Emrys Westacott). To what extent should our actions be guided by our theories in ethics and elsewhere?
Essay Topic 8:
To understand something you need to rely on your own experience and culture. Does this mean that it is impossible to have objective knowledge?
Essay Topic 9:
"The knowledge that we value the most is the knowledge for which we can provide the strongest justifications." To what extent would you agree with this claim?
Essay Topic 10:
"There can be no knowledge without emotion....until we have felt the force of the knowledge, it is not ours" (adapted from Arnold Bennett). Discuss this vision of the relationship between knowledge and emotion.
well, it all seems challenging to me! so.. good luck~
heng.(don't ask me what it means) It's been such a long time since anyone posted here!
I guess everyone was caught up with all the works. Yeah, the weeks were so full >_<; There's MPI week- which was chun-ted! then the deadline of our Business IA came to hunt us down.. And finally, a break from everything for a while with the 3 days holiday.. Anyhow, lets give ourselves(excluding those who went to the business IA workshop) a big hand of applause! xD
Grats on skillfully completing that task! D:
For me, I slept at 5 to complete it.. and I could only celebrate its completion by sleeping. lol. I'm just hoping that it would not come out too horribly like my world lit! Zzz.. the teacher didn't even mark it!? I did do the cover page and she still didn't mark it. Bojangles. I guess it must be revenge. Oh well, if that will make her forgive me, I should be glad.. sigh. I wonder, you guys who she didn't mark because of the stupid "muka depan!" is surely more annoyed, huh? well, let's just repair our essays and get her to suffer from marking it. lol. In the end, we can't really do anything about it except curse(no, I'm not suggesting that. It's better to save your breath and change it, got that?).
Okay.. time to enjoy this break! xD
We just finished our physics test on radioactive topic. Well done to everyone who can answer it well! To others, work harder(including myself, daaa..)
Oh, say congratulation to Rje, Hana and Cheqot because futsal won the first place in KASUKMA. Good job, girl!
Ops, don’t forget the ‘talented’ sleeping class rep( Aslam), Wancai and Amir Aiman. Lorh..don’t you know? Volley got second place.
or so I think. If there's any problems.. do tell me... and for a change of layout? well, not in months to come! this was very tiring!
well.. do what you have to. (thank me that is)
hahahaha...eventho this blog has been created long time ago,tp disebabkan raje x invite aku smpaila 5 minit td,br la aku dpt masuk blog nih..hahahah...ni sume raje punye pasal...=P..neway,ptg ni aku ade TOK camp..hope x boring ar...kuang3...
Thanks to Aslam for his ‘lucky hand’. We got a new far away class!I'm just joking Aslam, NOT!!! =P
Have a nice day at our new class!
Don't like that class? Tell us at the chat box, please...
hm. uh. yea. *yawn* *stares blankly* *cough*
oh, right. I forgot n so did the rest:
A new start for everyone... new challenges await.. new class which is so far away.. new students entering as year 1's... new- new- new?
I hope u were happy with your grades :D It's from your own effort after all. Learn from all your mistakes and improve. Dun give up on yourself.
well, let's have a nice sem 3 together.
the holidays; we have a few days left don't we? I'm guessing most of you are rushing your homework.. like me D; wahaha. or for those who have completed them - rushing to fulfill your holiday goals.. or maybe.. utk geng yg nak buat lepas balik kolej - enjoy cuti habis-habisan! haha.
anyway, answering my own question and some others -where can you get the quotations for the world lit?
It's actually very easy! just use any searching site by typing "kata-kata hikmat" or "mutiara kata" or anything similar and ta-daaaa! you'll get what you want. It can be from anyone.. so you don't have to worry about it. Don't forget though, you have to write in the footer where you got the source of the quotation; book title, website url, etc.
enjoy what's left of the holidays then! hope to see ye all back in 1 piece.
ali; planning my world lit
Apology to Alisya (for me being late posting this) -ala ala puisi usman awang gituh hahaha-
Hope These Helps
Anyway it is my luck that I accidentally brought back the leaflets of CV, MMI and PS...
About the Curriculum Vitae,
there should be :
1) Personal Backround
2) Educational Background
3) Achievements (I don't know what this is so I just combine no. (2) and (3) together.
4) Copies of Certificates
1) Personal Background
1.1) Name
1.2) Sex
1.3) I/C
1.4) Address
1.5) Telephone Numbers (House and mobile)
1.6) E-mail address
1.7) Hobbies
1.8) ETC anything else you want to add up to tell the teacher something that she don't know yet,like[disabilities : colour-blind and short-sighted] ,[siblings],[guardian] etc etc etc
4) Copies of Certificates
4.1) Examples
4.1.1) Birth certificate
4.1.2) SPM certificate
4.1.3) Other examination certificates
4.1.4) Special awards certificates
4.1.5) Special achievements certificates
4.1.6) ETC
About Me, Myself and I
During the talk she mentioned that "everything about you which got nothing to do with career!"
About Personal Statement
She mentioned as well to write
1) Why do you chose this program
2) What makes you think that this is the most suitable programme for you
3) Mention if you had done any attachments or interviews
4) Etc Etc Etc which is all about your career prospect
5) From my reading on the leaflets given, they advised us to write something that is not stated in your curriculum vitae like your strengths etc...
As a conclusion, Curriculum Vitae is about your academic history, Me, Myself and I all about you without career intertwined, and last but not least, Personal Statement about you with your career...
Message from our counsellor,
"Do your PS, CV, MMI as outstanding as possible for the sake of your confidential report"
means teachers actually rely on the informations given in these essays for their confidential report ^_^
Message from me...
To Hana, A whale of a good job for completing your PS! Thanks for driving me towards it as well... the others, I don't have the updates... only Wahidah who had completed her world literature, and Congratulations Wahidah! Nice work :) Din sure finished as well coz I saw his status on YM as "first paragraph is already 500 words, looks like its been a very long time since I last wrote my blog." haha...
Me? Just finished doing CV, on the way to do PS and MMI...
What ever it is, Good Luck Friends!~ ^_^
".... Penderitaan menjadi guru yang paling mujarab mengajar manusia untuk sedar dan berusaha. Kanan atau kiri tak jadi soal. Yang jadi soal ialah perjuangan untuk rakyat jelata. Kiri pun perjuangan dan kanan pun perjuangan"
"Perjuangan tidak pernah terlambat. Kita boleh mulai lagi di mana saja.
Sepuluh kepala, sepuluh tangan dan satu mulut. Ertinya berfikir sepuluh kali, berbuat sepuluh kali tapi bercakap sekali sahaja"
"Kebencian Tidak Dapat Dimusnahkan Dengan Kebencian
Melainkan Dengan Kasih Sayang
Kesenangan Hati Dan Ketenteraman Jiwa
Lebih Berharga Dari Pangkat Dan Kekayaan
Kesilapan Yang Kita Lakukan Adalah Pelajaran Baru
Untuk Mencapai Kejayaan"
"Sayangilah semua orang....kelak anda pasti akan disayangi…”-Dato' Dr. Mohd Fadzilah Kamsah
"It is not how much you do, but how much love you put in the doing."
"Ada kalanya menghitung bintang di sunyi malam lebih mudah dari menggenggam sebuah hati"
Red Spectrum Gradient
Here are the images imbedded within the previous two pictures.
To reveal them, I've done a contrast and color correction in Photoshop
to bring amplify the normally hard to see variation in the blue and
green ends of the spectrum.
Again, the interesting thing to note here is that folks who are "colour blind"
are not 'impaired' in the sense that they really see *less* than others,
rather, you could just say that they're more sensitive to some things
than the rest of us are.