Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Apology to Alisya (for me being late posting this) -ala ala puisi usman awang gituh hahaha-

Hope These Helps

Anyway it is my luck that I accidentally brought back the leaflets of CV, MMI and PS...

About the Curriculum Vitae,
there should be :
1) Personal Backround
2) Educational Background
3) Achievements (I don't know what this is so I just combine no. (2) and (3) together.
4) Copies of Certificates

1) Personal Background
1.1) Name
1.2) Sex
1.3) I/C
1.4) Address
1.5) Telephone Numbers (House and mobile)
1.6) E-mail address
1.7) Hobbies
1.8) ETC anything else you want to add up to tell the teacher something that she don't know yet,like[disabilities : colour-blind and short-sighted] ,[siblings],[guardian] etc etc etc

4) Copies of Certificates
4.1) Examples
4.1.1) Birth certificate
4.1.2) SPM certificate
4.1.3) Other examination certificates
4.1.4) Special awards certificates
4.1.5) Special achievements certificates
4.1.6) ETC


About Me, Myself and I

During the talk she mentioned that "everything about you which got nothing to do with career!"

About Personal Statement

She mentioned as well to write
1) Why do you chose this program
2) What makes you think that this is the most suitable programme for you
3) Mention if you had done any attachments or interviews
4) Etc Etc Etc which is all about your career prospect
5) From my reading on the leaflets given, they advised us to write something that is not stated in your curriculum vitae like your strengths etc...

As a conclusion, Curriculum Vitae is about your academic history, Me, Myself and I all about you without career intertwined, and last but not least, Personal Statement about you with your career...

Message from our counsellor,

"Do your PS, CV, MMI as outstanding as possible for the sake of your confidential report"
means teachers actually rely on the informations given in these essays for their confidential report ^_^

Message from me...
To Hana, A whale of a good job for completing your PS! Thanks for driving me towards it as well... the others, I don't have the updates... only Wahidah who had completed her world literature, and Congratulations Wahidah! Nice work :) Din sure finished as well coz I saw his status on YM as "first paragraph is already 500 words, looks like its been a very long time since I last wrote my blog." haha...
Me? Just finished doing CV, on the way to do PS and MMI...

What ever it is, Good Luck Friends!~ ^_^


3 mistakes!:

ali said...

Finally! Thought you'd never post it. Thanksss~! I even asked wahidah to send me all the samples.. got a lot of it =D

So, the PS is not mainly for our application but for the teacher's confidential report, eh? No wonder I felt weird cause PS is more meant for those 'm' students..

ali said...

the certs... we scan them? or photostat?

Andi Rizal said...

oohhho...sorry again, It was my fault that I'm distracted from writing this posts... alot of movies blocking the way... :P
anyway, yeah the 'm' students? hahaha....
the certs we photostat them. alisya wait, whats the difference with photostating and scanning? both the same la... haha ... so funny.. okay, actually I forgot to include the number of pages for these assignments, just to tell that there is no specific number of pages, but usually one full page is already enough...
okay, thats all from me, sorry again alisya....