Saturday, October 24, 2009

ape yg "SPECIAL" sangat??

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"so yeah.. it's dead here? ye ke? inalillah? ahaks.."

hmm - sdg bosan, esok hari sabtu, homework malas nak buat, belum lagi nak tido, dll.
*ni random idea aq utk hidupkan blog ni la ye..

so. menurut perkara di atas... ape yang "SPECIAL" sangat? jom list perbezaan UK(ulu klang xD) n MYIA! wheeeeee. (memandangkan sume org dr uni lain2, except most of us yg kat soton, so sile la tambah or add komen... based on experience at ur place k.. huhu. nnt korg 2 dh sampai US, korg ltak la plak US version eh :D)

Ulu Klang(saje nk cover :P) = U

M -coklat yg murah tu.. paham2 jela camne! (asal aq start dgn makanan..?)
U -coklat murah n quality pun bgus :D

M -kat bank ambik number n tunggu turn.. nk tunggu turn dpt duduk kat krusi unless dh rmai sgt org!!
U -kena beratur kat bank!!!!!!!! xde ambik number pun! xde krusi!! T_T

M -sume buang je.. buat pe nk recycle kn? haha. bile la nk save the environment!
U -diorg semangat psl recycle2 ni.. tong sampah utk recycle tu mmg diorg gune dgn btul la..

M -taxi senang nak dapat.. tp bas nk tunggu mmg xde timing langsung! ambik la kau 10, 30, 1jam dll! (kat banting tu xya cite la.. haha.)
U -taxi kena call je bru dpt... n slalunye org kaye je pakai :P bas tu ada timing.. kadang2 on time.. kadang2 awal, kadang2 lambat.. klu kat stesen yg bole stop tu, bas akan tunggu klu awal.. (tp experience aq, everytime aq lambat ke stesen cfm miss bass tp bile aq datang awal, bas pulak lambat!! argh!)

M-internet slow.susah gler klo nk tgk video.kne tggu buffer esp klo tgh syok follow korea series.haha
U-laju je nk download lagu.few seconds only.masyuk sgt layan citer korea...sbb xyah tggu buffer.haha

M-kelas bru kt LR31 tu terase sgt jauh!byk gler complain sbb jauh sgt n xde aircond.
U-every class nk kne jalan.jauh2 plak tu.3/4 kali ganda jauh nyer klo nk dibandingkn dgn LR31 tu(nseb bek ade 'aircond' everywhere.haha)

M-even though i don't drink air gas, air gas kat m'sia bole thn lgi la 5 sudu gula kan... tp...
U-air gas kat sini, perghh.. manis giler + bergas gile2! diorg ni xde diabetes ke ape??? agaknye 2x lebih sudu gula kot! gas pun overdose!!

M-ok, sy stuju kat kl(n area bandar2) tu mmg pencemaran mcm2 dari asap bas, kete, rokok sampai la asap kentut XD
U-sini xla truk sgt(sy xsampai london lg so org london sile komen :P) tp... org sini bab merokok - common giler -_-; xkira r laki ke pompuan.. agaknye mortality rate diorg lg tinggi kot? aq xcheck r plak.

M-just read the U
U-customer service over here just rocks okay! they'd come over and kindly with a smile to say "you alright there?" instead of "kak/abang/encik/puan/cik/etc nak beli?" dgn perlinye... which makes people want to reply.. "YE LA. ABES BUAT APE AKU KAT SINI?!" - okay, xsume kedai camtu; there are places with great service.. I only hope there are more, and that it becomes the standard in M! which is still far from reaching....

M- schools - BUKU BANYAK, BEG BERAT, CIKGU.........yg bagus tu mmg bagus; yg teruk tu terlampau teruk! the education system on schools just need to seriously change.. and kasut skola; tolongla jgn warna putih.. senang giler kotor kot! hitam la weyh =_=;
U- students actually enjoy going to school.. not only because of meeting their friends(that's everywhere) but because of various things; teachers who actually enjoy teaching(mostly but I won't say all.. but in M it's mostly the other way around and only a few enjoy it) + you don't have to carry books... they just bring their lunch! lol. how can that not be a cooler school experience??

ok, have fun! komplen2 ni, maybe bole digunakan utk fikir camne nak improve keadaan kat msia :D mayb bile korg dh jadi *ahem*PM or CEO or DATO' dll ke?? ;)

0 mistakes!: