Thursday, August 13, 2009

IB Subjects :/

gosh sorry i have mistakenly edit the post. x perasan the upper part of this post d hilang. ali, gomene!

well, this is about the IB subjects, the teachers. fun stuffs happened in the classes, during cas n not to be forgotten, ee! i bet, you have all the unforgettable memories in your head, and all still fresh. so, do add to remind the others about the fun that we shouldnt forget =)


-malay presentation waktu sem 1.. haha..
-malay oic(oic ke nama dia? dh xingat r..) - black out waktu sdg buat.. kaka.. ade org kena stop tengah2 pastu sambung balik.. haha.. mcm2 cabaran! xD
-malay world lit.. byk problem btul. brape draft la hantar xD ade je la tak kena.. hoho. tukar RQ pun byk kali gak ~_~ in the end, hentam je laaaa..
-"ckgu mase da abes","ckgu mase da abes","ckguuuu masee da abesssss", tp still, ckgu bwat selambe smbil mneruskan pemblajaran


-awaken the giant - sgt motivating :D
-go GREEN! - yea.. ms aqyn the environmentalist
-stress-free subject
-she is like our homeroom teacher/mother :D always caring n involving us in college activities(n making us feel at home and not neglected^^)

-mr badar n pn khuzaimi - the best teacher of all the best teacher
-pn khu - she advised us when all teachers 'hate' us (when some uf us escaped from IRP team building)
-pn khu- she's a very very patient person
-mr badar's favourite student: Mat Rempit!

-ckgu adila comel
-physics was a pain, but thankfully, the physics teachers are very helpful n patient at guiding us :)
-thanks pak cik + kakak kat lab(xingt nama) yg byk membantu dgn ia ktorg especially klu nk buat lab waktu ptg tu..! haha.

-"A good example of a BAD example" -hoho.. aq penah kena ni.
-ckgu sgt stylo, cool n mkan dalam

ingat x kelas econs ms(now mrs) Diana waktu mlm dulu? D:

-cube ingat balik sume name group(uh, klu salah betulkan eh).. Six Senses(wandog, jan, ed, taf, ayu, ali), Zenith Crew(jang, hafiz, safwan, ammar,ale), Street Smart(zuhier,din,faris,hana,aki) and Resilient(andi,amin,edi,wz,rje,cheqot)
-aduh, setiap kali presentation kalut btul.. haha. xkira la yg duk dpan ke yg duk kat blakang :/ "not up to expectation" hoho.. tp I(ali) honestly feel I gained a lot of experience from all the presentations.. thx Pn Mawarzah :D
-ZOOHAIR! yeah, product terbaek xD *sorry puji group sendiri! kaka.
-BUSINESS WEEK!!- air tembikai, uchan nanchan, kebab, ice cream making - whoo! we won eh? it's possible if we put our efforts in :)

-tok presentation kelas kite terbaek!

-4th sem n stil submitting proposal - u know who u are.hahaha

-best sgt tp syg xde jang n zuher dan juge raje

Bowling kelas
-entah mcm mane team bowling aq(ali with ed, andi n hana) bole dpt 5th dgn my bowling skill yg sgtla xbole harap.. haha. it was fun~!
-successfully done in very short time. last minute plan, ugut-style player recruitment, pening2 pkir lokasi, fees, bus yg mhal cm siot, n actually 999th plan after jogathon n pape ntah lg

-almost every night jual htdog terbaek rm1.50, amek order lpas supper, lepak blik wandock/ammar rebus htdog, maen2 dgn sos, borak2 kosong, pastu delivery ke 3,3 blok

-mkan best wooo - tp xde dah nasi ayam setiap rabu =P

-xle nak lupa ustd Sulor! hoho. especially waktu hafazan? ;)

*sdg takde idea so ingat some je, korang tambah la ye -alisya
*anyone who has the pics of other teachers, please do add. tq. =) -fareen-

0 mistakes!: